At Incremental, we share the value and ambition of creating the world we want to live in. We think that access to decent homes and places to meet and collaborate provide the foundation to help us grow as individuals and as communities.

We were founded with the mindset that we must use fewer resources, and find new ways of doing things that addresses both the climate crisis, and societal inequalities. We seek out opportunities for reuse, we listen and respond to understand everyday issues, and we believe good design is about applying resources where they are going to impact local people.

How we work

Every one of our projects, however big or small, is an increment in a larger journey - supporting ongoing changes, identifying new changes, or sparking others to create change.

We are focussed on working with purpose-led clients who have a long-term interest in the vitality of the communites they operate in.

We are a studio of architects that work in a manner that we hope will shape better buildings, stronger collaborations, and inclusive environments - honest, accessible and caring. Our studio is a place of creativity, where everyone has agency and responsibility is shared. We are bound by mutual warmth, respect and curiosity.

Where we work

We were founded on the principle of making change in the place where we are, and are connected to. The West of England is the place we know, and the area we can sustainably work in. While we don’t always achieve it, our goal is to transition to only use sustainable transport modes and we want to work with clients that support this goal.

Who we are

Charlie Palmer is director and founder of Incremental Urbanism, starting the practice in 2020. Charlie brings careful consideration, positivity and aspiration to everything he does.

Charlie is a UK qualified architect, he has worked for some of London’s most highly regarded practices including Hawkins/ Brown and S333 Architecture and Urbanism. He also worked closely with Norman Foster at his foundation in Madrid, where he was a project architect for the Odisha Liveable Habitat Mission, which won a UN Habitat Award.

In 2022 Charlie won the RIBA Rising Star award, a prestigious honour presented to architects that are making a difference in architecture and the built environment.

Charlie teaches at Oxford Brookes University, as well as researching social innovation and live projects. He is part of the RIBA Educational Development Group and is a member of the Construction Industry Cycling Commission. This multi-disciplinary panel of leading construction professionals provides a clear, constructive and consistent voice on improvements required to better save lives of cyclists.

Our Teaching

We run an undergraduate teaching unit at Oxford Brookes University. The unit works with live clients to engage students of architecture with real world challenges. Our aim is to better train the next generation of architects to be able to better address the big challenges of their generation and become Change Makers.

Check out the student work on instagram: @unit_a_obu

Special Thanks

At Incremental we recognise that creating great buildings and places is a collaborative endeavour. Successes are born out of teamwork not individuals. We therefore want to say a very large but humble thank you to past employees, clients, stakeholders, collaborators and end users that have contributed to the IU journey over years. We simply wouldn’t be where we are today without their passion, experience and support.

Thank you.

Samuel Carew
Ruth Cuenca

Luka Honobe
Jason Skelton
Barbara Poczatek

Hannah Sloggett
Wendy Hart
Niki Sole

Unfortunately we are not currently looking for new staff. Follow us on Instagram for future opportunities.

Please note that we do not offer unpaid internship positions.

Work with Us

Contact Us

If you would like to get in touch or collaborate on a project please give us a call or email the studio.


telephone: +44 (0)7949 905 564